Monday, October 10, 2011

Yes, She's My Daughter...

As I've had to explain to many-a-strangers lately, yes, Lauren is my daughter! We are what appears to be polar opposites--my short, stout, dark hair and green eyes compared to Lauren's tall, lean, blonde hair and blue eyes. Seriously, complete opposites on all account. But as I have to tell everyone that asks, "If you saw my husband, you would understand..."  No question about who has the dominant genes when it comes to our babies (Reminder: Olivia was a 9 pounder and currently ranks in the 90th percentile or higher in all categories...). Wish I could say my 5'4" stature assisted in these stats, but it doesn' stats only help bring DOWN the girls' averages! ;0P  But this "bringing them down" is a good thing--maybe?! My logic: could you imagine Lauren and Olivia being 6'6" like Nate?!  Huh...maybe they could be Olympians???...

So can anyone see any resemblence between us?  At all??? I sure do love this Lauren...

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