We whipped out the canvas and decided it needed a cute face lift before we strung it up on our bamboo poles. How to make this teepee fun and artsy, knowing it will be out in the Virginia summer elements? Tie-dye! Then if it rains and the dye bleeds a little, it'll just add to the character of the teepee! (*Though it has sprinkled since finishing this project on Saturday, and no bleeding has occurred, so I guess we'll see if it happens.*) So we rubber banded the canvas, used the dye squirt bottles (the girls LOVED this part), sprayed away, and began to watch the dye dry.
I began cleaning up when I realized, I should've been much MUCH more careful with this dye. What was my first indicator? Well...the girls. They looked like flower-power children...and nothing was coming off. Of course I've tie-dyed before, and of course we wore gloves then! How did I make such a grave oversight?! I'm going to blame it on my desire to get this teepee built, that impaired my judgment. Ugh. Lauren and Olivia were a mess! :(
Notice the blue spray dots. Apparently Lauren was squirting herself in the face too! |
After about 10 mins of soaking. Still pretty much all there! |
Regardless of her state of appearance, Olivia still managed to get Nana Barbie to pick her up and snuggle her.
So how did our tie-dying turn out (besides on our skin?!) Well I think we did a pretty great job...and even the red checkered gingham I had to add to cover our over sized teepee completely seems to fit! I'd say our teepee's style is hippy meets country girl. A fun combination in my books! And to make it even better, the teepee even fits Nate standing up! And can comfortable fit about a dozen toddlers - woohoo!
Pocahontas and her new hangout. |
Closer view of the tie-dye and wooden stick closure. |
A view of the first club house meeting, complete with chairs and members! |
Another inside-teepee view of our sweet tie-dying skills |
Also, the completed construction of our teepee has seem to raise the Olsen girls' "fun" status with our neighbor kids (They are like 6 and 9, so they really don't interact with our 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 year olds much-understandably). Guess we can now do some practice camping in our back yard teepee to see if we are "there yet", in being able to actually take the girls camping.
What a blast! That is one funky teepee - going to have to figure this out. GOOD JOB!!!