Thursday, October 13, 2011

PT Update

So Lauren is still doing her PT once a week, and I just have to say--I feel bad for our physical therapist. Lauren is only 15 months old, and as most parents know, children at this age have zero attention span. Lauren is not an exception to this rule. Beth, Lauren's PT, does such a great job setting up obstacle courses, bouncy balls to kick and throw, games...and just about the time Lauren gets the hang of it (if that), her attention is gone and she's running, literally, for the next thing in her line of sight. So I feel bad because I feel that Beth is running a specialty 1-hr daycare with a very energetic, yet disobedient child :(

Ramp time--notice snack container Beth is holding as a bribe!
The Beaded Lauren
Crying and pulling her own hair when she doesn't get her way.

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