...or ballerinas for those of you that don't speak dance-ish. Which quite obviously, I'm not fluent!
The girls insisted on wearing their leotards, tutus AND leg warms to their rec center class on Friday. Only thing is, that they're not taking dance this quarter. So where did we wear this awesome get up?! To their "Zoom Around the Room" class. Nothing screams foot traction and ball-pit play like a ballerina get up. Really. Just ask Lauren and Olivia. :/ I might add that this was the day after Halloween and they had just wore their ballerina "costumes" to their school the day before. I get their confusion, but they got the stares ;0P They were "oh they're so cute" stares, but stares nonetheless!
Oh, and they were rocking their rain boots with no jackets. Mom fail perhaps on that one...but I didn't feel like being the recipient of their bunhead attitudes (no offense to my dancer friends). And these babies were rolling deep with the hands on hips vibe and 'tude. So much so, I had to take a video.
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