Sunday, November 3, 2013


Crafts + October = Craftober!  I feel like I've done a ton of crafting this past month; mostly due to a service project we (our RS/church group) did for the Children's National Medical Center (CNMC).  For the long-term patients there, we made super hero capes as well as craft kits they can make/put together.  The kits will help to pass the time and bring the season indoors.  As for the capes, in talking with the volunteer specialists/nurses there, the children like to wear them around the halls when their walking with their IV stands.  Also, with it being October, the children can use the capes as their Halloween costumes when doing their hallway trick-or-treating.  After a lot of prep work and many man hours, we turned out an impressive amount of capes and kits - 85 super hero capes and 250+ craft kits...

 Also, with all the extra/scrap fabric we had from the capes, we made scrap fabric tutus for the CNMC patients as well...
I also took my first legit crack at making cake pops this month (no fancy cake pop pans).  I was reading through Lauren's monthly calendar for school and saw that her teacher, Ms. Palmer's birthday was on the the 20th. I told Lauren about it and she immediately said, "Mom, I bring my teacher a treat?!"  After much back and forth, we settled on cake pops, of which Lauren loved to gaze at while licking her lips and slurping-no lie! "Mommy, deez pops look 'licious!"  I love this animated little girl!
Another crafty project I ended up doing with friends - Halloween shirts/onesies.  The witches feet turned out the best/most fun!

Good times in to get started on Thanksgiving and Christmas decor 'wants'!...oh, and Christmas gifts too!

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