I've come to realize the Catch22 I put myself in by starting our family blog right when we started having children: I blog for our family to capture the memories, but it's because of said family that I feel I have no time to blog. Does that about sum it up blogosphere people?
But I've realized I just need to suck it up and post what I consider less than thorough or complete posts/stories. Maybe even pictures-only posts, if needed. Because I've obviously developed an unhealthy aversion to posting anything I don't feel I give a good, complete effort on (it's been 8 months since I posted last for Heaven Sake!). So I'm going to go against my extremely competitive nature, for the moment...or however long it takes me to catch up on our life and happenings of 2012, and stop measuring myself against you timely and thorough mommy bloggers! (Kelly Peper Wilson--can you PLEASE bring down the bar?! I know you're hitting stride on like your 8th year of blogging, and it's second nature to have blog-time built into your day; but at least make it look harder!!)
(Insert resigned sigh) So now I'm going to make a valid effort not to fret over taking everyday family photos. Why do I fret? Because the first thought that pops into my mind when framing my family through a camera lens is, "When am I going to find the time to post this?!" This is no way to live people!!! I shouldn't be deterred from taking everyday pictures because of my blogging-block--completely counter productive! So I've been letting my photos figuratively stack-up, because not only am I waaaay behind, but because somewhere along my pre-children career it was beat into me that any product output needs to be my best work. Work that it thorough and complete, as it'll reflect upon me. Not to say that this belief is incorrect, it's just not a feasible mantra for the current me: a mother to Irish Twins that's nearly one year behind on posting pictures and putting into words our adventures and the many, many firsts for two sweet girls' lifetimes.
So where to start???....Why how about last November?! That's right folks, you're about to get caught up on the holiday season from 2011. Here's to hoping that I can get caught up to this 2012 holiday season by the time New Year's hits! And we're off...
WARNING READERS: I'm going to be back-dating these posts as far back as 11/1/2011, so that when I create books from this blog, they'll be in chronological order. Seeing as I'm not the most avid blogger (again, working on it), I'm not sure how you'll know which posts are new besides just going back to November 2011 and scrolling through again. Sorry :(
Glad you are posting :)