Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Goldfish Cracker Massacre of 2011 - 9 months

Hello Friends and Family :) Today Lauren found the goldfish cracker bag unattended and within reach...and so began "The Goldfish Cracker Massacre of 2011!" (Pardon the picture quality). She upended the bag and proceeded to select which fish she wanted to eat; THEN, she proceeded to pull herself onto her feet and stomp on the goldfish crackers. Guess they sounded like great fun under her feet! :/ And I was pretty stoked to be on my hands and knees salvaging the wreckage and vacuuming the crumbs out of the carpet...BLAH! ;P

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha Ha! Kayla did that the other day in church. What a mess!! Goldfish crackers. Gotta love them! :)
