Tuesday, July 27, 2010

NICU: Day 15 - Car Seat Test

Yesterday Lauren took her first official, and hopefully only, car seat test. What's that you ask? Well in order for us to be cleared to take Lauren home from SLCH, she had to pass a two-hour car seat test. Yes, we only live 30 miles away from the hospital, but all NICU children must be able to sit in their car seat for a minimum of two-hours without desaturating--her vital signs needed to remain within an acceptable range. So Lauren did great when she was put into the car seat initially; however, when she realized that we were leaving her in there and not taking her out immediately--well, all heck broke lose. She screamed bloody-murder for the first 30 minutes of the test, only to tire herself and zonk out for the last hour and a half. This was our first time seeing a Lauren melt-down, so it was a bit tough to endure...but we're stoked she passed the car seat test with "screaming" colors! :)


  1. Ha. If either of my kids had to take a car seat test and in order to pass they couldn't scream for two hours, they would have failed for sure. Glad she passed the test. Mr. Al did the same thing during his first bath too. We didn't take pictures either! :)

  2. Oh you are troopers. I am quite confident that I wouldn't have done well listening to her scream for long at all. Glad she settled down to pass her test and so glad that you will be coming home soon. That will be another huge milestone!
