Olivia's first ever pig-tails-she loved 'em! |
Olivia's statistics for today's 18 month old check-up:
Height: 33" (82nd percentile)
Weight: 24.15 lbs (46th percentile)
Compared to Lauren at this age (Height: 35" (95th), Weight: 29.5 lbs (95th)), Olivia does not measure as tall, nor does she weigh nearly as much. Five lbs is a significant difference toddler weight-wise, so what on earth were we feeding Lauren?! Protein bars and heavy cream?!? Comparing Olivia to Lauren is not really fair though (I know, I know. I'm stoking the rivalry fire a little early right?! :/), as Lauren is an extreme on the spectrum.
Independent of siblings statistics, we do recognize that Olivia is rather tall for her age and looks more like a 2 1/2 year old than her current 1 1/2 years. She is shaping up to be another daddy look alike if she keeps this growth rate up...Oh, and there's the blonde hair and blue eyes too I guess. Nate just loves having what he likes to call "the dominate genes" - tall, blonde, blue eyes. My competitive spirit wants to trash-talk Nate into submission, into taking back his gene remarks; however, looking at my girls, I really don't have a leg to stand on now do I?!?!?
Oh, I forgot that Lauren insisted on being weighed and measured while we were at this visit too, as she apparently assumes that if we are at the doctor's office, it's about her. ;0P So her unofficial statistics as a 31 month old are:
Height: 39" (95th percentile)
Weight: 34 lbs (90th percentile)
...all measurements being pretty much par for the course for Lauren...